Nur Science Institute Online Journals is the online journal portal managed by the Nur Science Institute or partners. As a professional institution engaged in publication, research, and training. Nur Science Institute is committed to boosting the quality and quantity of scientific articles in Indonesia through an online journal system facility for the researcher, students, scholars in which Nur Science Institute will publish and manage Periodicals Scientific Journals. This commitment is also part of Nur Science Institute's support for the policy increased the number of scientific publications in Indonesia.


  • Journal of Management and Digital Business

    Journal of Management and Digital Business [2797-9555]contains articles based on conceptual studies and research results in the field of management and business, including organizational behavior, leadership, human resources management, innovation, it, operations and supply chain management, marketing management, strategic management, entrepreneurship, green business, banking management, healthcare and hospital management, business management, strategic management, and digital business.
    All manuscripts submitted to the journal recommended being written in good English or Bahasa. Authors for whom English is not their native language are encouraged to have their paper checked before submission for grammar and clarity. The work should not have been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. The official language of the manuscript to published in the  Journal of management and digital business in English and Bahasa.

  • Penamas: Journal of Community Service

    Penamas: Journal of Community Service is [ISSN 2807-3150] a journal that contains publications on the results of community service activities, models or concepts, and or their implementation in order to increase community participation in development, community empowerment, or implementation of community service.
    This journal publication aims to disseminate conceptual thoughts or ideas and research results that have been achieved in the field of community service. Penamas specifically focuses on the main problems in the development of the sciences in the field of community service including Education and socio-economics; Education for Sustainable Development; Community Service, Food Security; Training, Marketing, Appropriate Technology, Design; Community Empowerment, Social Access; Community or student community services; As well as other devotion.

    All manuscripts submitted to the journal recommended being written in good English or Bahasa. Authors for whom English is not their native language are encouraged to have their paper checked before submission for grammar and clarity. The work should not have been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. The official language of the manuscript to published in the Penamas: Journal of Community Service in English and Bahasa. Penamas: Journal of Community Service is a journal published twice a year by the Nur Science Institute

  • Journal of Economics Research and Policy Studies

    Journal of Economics Research and Policy Studies [2797-8141] is a scientific journal that contains the results of theoretical research and studies on economics issues. The focus of this journal article is Economics, Economic Entrepreneurship, and start-up, development economics, monetary and fiscal policies, Islamic finance, international and regional economics, institutional economics, and tourism economics, agriculture economics, labor economics, behavioral economics, environmental economics, SMEs financing, feasibility studies, community empowerment, coastal economics, Islamic economics, Cognitive economics, Law and Economics, Social and Economic Statistics, Econophysics, Economics of Entrepreneurship, and Political Economics.
    All manuscripts submitted to the journal recommended being written in good English or Bahasa Indonesia. Authors for whom English is not their native language are encouraged to have their papers checked before submission for grammar and clarity. Journal of Economics Research and Policy Studies is a journal published twice a year by the Nur Science Institute. 

  • Journal of Islamic History

    Journal of Islamic History [ISSN 2807-2995]is a journal that contains articles on the results of the study of Islamic history and local islamic culture ; especially history as an event and history as a science. This journal is dedicated to improving the research and development of Islamic historiography both in terms of content and methodology. This journal publishes research on various fields of study such as social, political, economic, art, religion, language, science, and technology which are packaged in diachronic and synchronic thinking frameworks.

    Islamic Political History
    Islamic Intellectual History
    History of Local  Islamic Culture
    History of Islamic Art
    History of Islamic Economics
    History of Islamic Law
    History of Islamic Education
    Islamic Historiography
    Theory and Methodology of Islamic History

    All manuscripts submitted to the journal recommended being written in good English or Bahasa Indonesia. Authors for whom English is not their native language are encouraged to have their papers checked before submission for grammar and clarity. The work should not have been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. The official language of the manuscript is to be published in the Journal of Islamic History in English and Bahasa Indonesia.  Journal of Islamic History is a journal published twice a year by the Nur Science Institute.

  • Journal of Accounting and Digital Finance

    Journal of Accounting and Digital Finance (JADFi) ISSN [2776-639X] embraces a range of methodological approaches in identifying and solving significant prioritized accounting issues. Submissions are encouraged across all areas on accounting, finance, and cognate disciplines. It is strongly recommended that authors specifically address how their research addresses the priority areas and how it impacts those who the research intends to affect.
    Priority areas Descriptive data and commentary that addresses the accounting standard-setting agenda. Descriptive data and commentary that addresses changes to laws and regulations that affect business, Dealing with regulators, Reporting for the future - climate change, sustainability, natural environment, Accounting and finance research that addresses UN Sustainable development goals, Auditing for the future, Accounting education - needs and trends, The future of the profession, including the academic profession and professional practitioners, Taxation policy and outcomes, Forensic Accounting, Fraud - identification & detection, Corporate and behavioral governance, Technology affecting accounting, Alternative reporting formats, Integrated reporting, Accounting and e-business, Non-financial reporting, Non-financial performance measurement and reporting, Corporate Governance, Business Ethics and Corporate Culture, Financial reporting quality, financial technology, cryptocurrency
    All manuscripts submitted to the journal recommended being written in good English or Bahasa. Authors for whom English is not their native language are encouraged to have their paper checked before submission for grammar and clarity. The work should not have been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. The official language of the manuscript to published in the Journal of Accounting and Digital Finance in English and Bahasa.

  • Griya Widya: Journal of Sexual and Reproductive Health

    A peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the sexual and reproductive health of women and men. The journal aims to serve its readers as an authoritative resource of disseminating significant sexual and reproductive healthcare related scientific information.
    The journal welcomes original papers in all aspects of sexual and reproductive health including:

    • Family planning and contraception
    • Adolescent sexual and reproductive health
    • Sexual and reproductive health education
    • Sexually transmitted infections
    • Other issues related to sexual and reproductive health

    Griya Widya [2809-6797] aims to have a role as a contributor of new knowledge and evidence to representatives of the health care sector and to society. The journal will present studies demonstrating sexual and reproductive health matters from a multifaceted perspective where the connection between these questions and the individuals' rights will be illuminated.


  • Journal of Halal Industry Studies

    The Journal of Halal Industry Studies [ ISSN 2962-8113] is a journal published twice a year by the Nur Science Institute. This journal is dedicated to improving the research and development of the halal industry.
    This journal publishes research on various topics in the study of the halal industry, including tourism; food and agriculture; management, business, and finance; fashion; the halal lifestyle; and other related topics.
    All manuscripts submitted to the journal are recommended to be written in good English or Bahasa. Authors for whom English is not their native language are encouraged to have their paper checked before submission for grammar and clarity. The work should not have been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. The official language of the manuscript to be published in the Journal of Halal Industry Studies is English and Bahasa.

  • Librarium: Library and Information Science Journal


    Journal Title Librarium: Library and information science journal
    Abbreviation Librarium J. Lib. Inf. Sci.
    Short Title Librarium
    Publishing Frequency 2 issues per year (March and September)
    ISSN 3047-4779
    DOI Prefix 10.53088/librarium
    Citation Analysis on process
    Editor-in-Chief Suryanto, M.A.   
    Publisher Nur Science Institute, Indonesia

    Journal Description

    Librarium: Library and information science journal contains articles written from research and study reports on Library and Information Science. Librarium: Library and information science journal is published twice annually (March and September) by the journal editors from the Nur Science Institute(read more)


    Mailing Address

    Publisher Nur Science Institute
    Jl. Abdul Majid Cabean Mangunsari Sidomukti, Salatiga, Jawa Tengah
    No. hp/WA +62857 2732 5650

  • Elementary Education Journal

    Elementary Education Journal (EEJ) [2809-4689] is an open-accessed and peer-reviewed scholarly journal published by the Nur Science Institute, in collaboration with Himpunan Dosen PGSD Indonesia (HDPGSDI). EEJ focuses on elementary/primary education from an excellent perspective. EEJ aims to be a media of communication, information, and discussion of elementary education such as instruction, curriculum, management, guidance and counseling, psychology, and teacher training.

  • Tathbiq: Journal of Legal Substance and Culture

    Tathbiq: Journal of Legal Substance and Culture contains articles based on conceptual studies and research results in the field of laws, including cyberlaw, e-commerce, artificial intelligence, intellectual property law, agrarian law, environmental law, investment law, civil, political, economic, social, cultural rights, access to justice, legal reform, legal culture, contracts, corporations, competition law, dispute resolution, procedural law, constitutional law, administrative Law, Criminal, International, business, tourism, human rights, and Contemporary.

    All manuscripts submitted to the journal were recommended to be written in good English or Bahasa. Authors for whom English is not their native language are encouraged to have their papers checked before submission for grammar and clarity. The work should not have been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. The official language of the manuscript is to be published in the Tathbiq: Journal of Legal Substance and Culture in English and Bahasa.

  • Fukuri: Journal of Psychology

    Fukuri: Journal of Psychology contains articles based on conceptual studies and research results in the field of Psychology 

    All manuscripts submitted to the journal recommended being written in good English or Bahasa. Authors for whom English is not their native language are encouraged to have their paper checked before submission for grammar and clarity. The work should not have been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. The official language of the manuscript to published in the Fukuri: Journal of Psychology in English and Bahasa.

  • Journal of Smart Education and Learning

    Journal of Smart Education and Learning is a scientific journal that contains and disseminates research results, in-depth studies, and innovative ideas or works in the field of education. The innovative work of teachers and lecturers in the development of the education sector is able to make a positive contribution to schools and educational institutions. The focus and the focus and scope of this journal include; Character Education, Educational Problems and Policies, Special Needs Education, Educational Technology and Curriculum, Educational Management and Leadership, Guidance and Counseling, Multicultural Education, Early Childhood Education, Basic Education, Non-formal Education, Teaching and Learning, Educational Assessment and Evaluation, and other topics.

    All manuscripts submitted to the journal recommended being written in good English or Bahasa. Authors for whom English is not their native language are encouraged to have their paper checked before submission for grammar and clarity. The work should not have been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. The official language of the manuscript to published in the Journal of Smart Education and Learning in English and Bahasa. Journal of Smart Education and Learning is a journal published twice a year by the Nur Science Institute.

  • Kurva: Jurnal Ekonomi Manajemen Keuangan dan Bisnis

    Kurva: Jurnal Ekonomi Manajemen Keuangan dan Bisnis [E.ISSN 3063-3516] is a scientific journal to publish research results and literature studies. It managed & published by Nur Science Institute.

    This journal published 3 times a year, every May, September & January. Focus & Scope of this journal is in the field of digital literacy, digital innovation, information technology and socio informatics. 

    Vationtech Journal provides open access to anyone so that the information and findings in these articles are useful for everyone. This journal's article content can be accessed and downloaded for free, free of charge, following the creative commons license used. However, suppose the data in this article is used as material in article writing or anything else. In that case, you must quote and include the article author's name in the item being made.

  • Tintamas: Jurnal Pengabdian Indonesia Emas

    Tintamas: Jurnal Pengabdian Indonesia Emas (ISSN 3063-0819) is a journal that contains publications on the results of community service activities, models or concepts, and or their implementation in order to increase community participation in development, community empowerment, or implementation of community service.
    This journal publication aims to disseminate conceptual thoughts or ideas and research results that have been achieved in the field of community service. Tintamas specifically focuses on the main problems in the development of the sciences in the field of community service including Education and socio-economics; Education for Sustainable Development; Community Service, Food Security; Training, Marketing, Appropriate Technology, Design; Community Empowerment, Social Access; Community or student community services; As well as other devotion.

    All manuscripts submitted to the journal recommended being written in good English or Bahasa. Authors for whom English is not their native language are encouraged to have their paper checked before submission for grammar and clarity. The work should not have been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. The official language of the manuscript to published in the Tintamas: Jurnal Pengabdian Indonesia Emas  in English and Bahasa. Tintamas: Jurnal Pengabdian Indonesia Emas  is a journal published three times a year by the Nur Science Institute