Scientific, Cultural and Religious Services of Bani Bagtakin or Arbil Atabaks (before 592-630AH 1145-1223AD).
Cultural-Religious, Atabaks Territory, Seljuk Turks, Muzaffaruddin Kokabori, Bi’rmeimounAbstract
Seljuks had a major role in political, racial, religious, economic, social, and cultural developments in Islamic lands under their territory. The Atabaki entity was introduced to Islam by Seljuk Turks. This study is to examine the scientific, cultural, and religious services of the Arbil Atabaks (Bani Bagtakin) government, which made their government last for about a century. According to the political, cultural, social, and military conditions and also the conflicts of local government in this period, many scholars and jurists were raised in the territory of Arbil Atabaks, and many books were written in a variety of fields. At this time many mosques, schools, orphanages, workhouses, hospitals, and monasteries were established, too. Mozaffar ad-Din Kokabori who was a famous ruler of this family took action for the welfare of the people, his actions included the improvement of roads, the establishment of security, the building of castles, and the repair of Bi’rmeimoun in (604 AH), which were very significant historically. In this period, the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was celebrated for the first time in history. The Research Methodology of this study is Descriptive- Analytical and the data collection method is library-based. An attempt was made to examine the issue by means of relevant and main sources.
Keywords: Cultural-Religious, Atabaks Territory, Seljuk Turks, Muzaffaruddin Kokabori, Bi’rmeimoun
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