About the Journal
Journal of Islamic History [ISSN 2807-2995]is a journal that contains articles on the results of the study of Islamic history and local islamic culture ; especially history as an event and history as a science. This journal is dedicated to improving the research and development of Islamic historiography both in terms of content and methodology. This journal publishes research on various fields of study such as social, political, economic, art, religion, language, science, and technology which are packaged in diachronic and synchronic thinking frameworks.
Islamic Political History
Islamic Intellectual History
History of Local Islamic Culture
History of Islamic Art
History of Islamic Economics
History of Islamic Law
History of Islamic Education
Islamic Historiography
Theory and Methodology of Islamic History
All manuscripts submitted to the journal recommended being written in good English or Bahasa Indonesia. Authors for whom English is not their native language are encouraged to have their papers checked before submission for grammar and clarity. The work should not have been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. The official language of the manuscript is to be published in the Journal of Islamic History in English and Bahasa Indonesia. Journal of Islamic History is a journal published twice a year by the Nur Science Institute.
Current Issue
Scientific, Cultural and Religious Services of Bani Bagtakin or Arbil Atabaks (before 592-630AH 1145-1223AD).
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Abstract: 82 times |
Downloaded 65 times |
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Salafism in Salatiga City: a Study of Those Who Fight in the Name of Islam 1990-2020
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Abstract: 173 times |
Downloaded 170 times |
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Improving the Region, Integrating the People: Social Life in Sumenep, 1950s
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Abstract: 171 times |
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Local Religion: Complexity of Challenges and Efforts to Maintain Existence in the Pre-Reformation Era
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Abstract: 48 times |
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Harmoni Jombang Foundation: Development of Women's Crisis Center in Jombang 1999-2020
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Abstract: 47 times |
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